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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Work Hard For The Glory of God.

Our volunteers shouldn’t outpace us in hard work.

As leaders, we often push people to volunteer in our churches and ministries on top of a 40 to 50-hour work week. But, then at the same time, we’re complaining about our own work hours that wouldn’t even be considered full-time in most places.

Sadly, I’m hearing more and more from older leaders who are having difficulty finding younger leaders who will work hard and work full-time hours. I believe that if you’re truly called, people shouldn’t have to push you to do it.

In fact, it makes me wonder if there has been so much focus in recent years on soul care, sabbath’ing, and rest that the pendulum has over-corrected in a way that now some of us (in my generation of ministry leaders) are beginning to spiritualize laziness.

We definitely don’t need to burn out, but we also shouldn’t sloth out either. Take care of yourself. Take care of your family. But, also work hard for the glory of God.

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