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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

SERMON ILLUSTRATION FROM SPURGEON to describe God’s love in the midst of our trials.

Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe God’s love in the midst of our trials.

In a wheel, there is one portion that never turns around and that is the axle. So, in God’s providence, there is an axle that never moves. Our state is always changing: sometimes we are exalted and sometimes depressed, yet there is an unmoving point in our state. What is this axle? What is the pivot on which all the machinery revolves? It is the axle of God’s everlasting love toward his covenant people. The exterior of the wheel is changing, but the center stands forever fixed. Other things may move, but God’s love never moves; it is the axle of the wheel.

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