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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


In Andrew Murray's book, Abide in Christ, he describes the idea of abiding in this way:

"He had destined you to something better than a short-lived blessedness, to be enjoyed only in times of special earnestness and prayer, and then to pass away, as you had to return to those duties in which far the greater part of life has to be spent. No, indeed; He had prepared for you an abiding dwelling with Himself, where your whole life and every moment of it might be spent, where the work of your daily life might be done, and where all the while you might be enjoying unbroken communion with Himself. You did well to come; you do better to abide."

How beautiful is that picture? A life of unbroken oneness with God.

Solomon has the distinct honor of building the first temple in Jerusalem and following his father David's specifications as given to him by God. The story begins in 2 Chronicles 5:1, "So all the work Solomon did for the Lord's temple was completed." And remember that we are now God's temple. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?"

So taking those two verses, we focused on the idea of the work that Solomon did to build the temple and how we can do work to build our temple for the Lord. Not that our temple is not "built," but we can do improvements to our temples.

When we work to the best of our abilities, we are doing improvements to God's temple. When we attempt to walk in the fruit of the Spirit, we are doing improvements to God's temple. When we pray throughout the day, we are acknowledging that we are God's temple.

And when Solomon had finished the temple, do you know what happened? God was there. 2 Chronicles 7:16 says, "And I have now chosen and consecrated this temple, so that My name may be there forever; My eyes and My heart will be there at all times."

While we work on our temple and our ability to be aware of God's presence in our lives, we are working toward our completeness which ends with eternal life with Him. If I can make my kids understand that by engaging the spiritual disciplines in their lives and also by walking in the fruit of the Spirit, looking for God in moments and situations, and listening for that still small voice in their ear that is based in scripture, then they will be on their way to abiding.

What work did you do on your temple today?

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