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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


"Wait for the Lord" -

We see it as a passive resignation, but that word in the Bible truly means an "active process of weaving fibers to create a strong bond". As we wait, our souls bond with the Lord, much like how fibers twist together to create a strong rope.

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his Word, I hope."Psalm 130:5

The Strongs' definition of the word "wait" means "to bind together perhaps by twisting " which is often used in the context of rope-making. Waiting refers to the process of twisting or weaving together, the more fibers that are added and twisted together, the stronger the resulting rope or cord becomes.

During the waiting process, the fibers are twisted or spun together, which causes them to bind or interlock, or intertwine with each other.

We may think that nothing is happening as we "wait" for the Lord, but in reality, everything is taking place inside our souls. We are hunting, looking, exploring, digging, scouting, and fishing around, looking high and low, and "running to and fro" in His Word — just as God said in Daniel 12:4. And it is during this process that we develop a strong bond with Him. Now, instead of wondering why the Lord makes us wait most of the time, we understand His purpose.

He also has a purpose for His Church when He makes us wait together for Him. We become bound together in this experience, creating a sense of unity and love as we encourage each other with patience and perseverance. The Church grows stronger, strengthening relationships among the body of Christ and nurturing a sense of community. Just as twisting strands of rope together creates a stronger and more durable cord, waiting can help bind the Church to Christ — in a way that is stronger and more resilient than before.

As much as we hate waiting, it's during that time that God does most of His work as we seek Him desperately in His word! Keep looking up, keep weaving, and keep adding more fibers to that rope to make it as strong as possible! Remember Jesus is coming, and this long wait is not in vain!!!

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