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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart—eight words that are simple enough to say. But what does that look like lived out? It may send your thinking to the extremes: anywhere from holing up somewhere, praying and seldom doing anything—to throwing caution to the wind, doing everything that crosses your mind, and trusting God to work it out. However, trust is a partnership, a balance between doing your part and trusting Him to do His.

How do you discern the difference between what is His work and what is your calling? How do you live by faith, relying on His supernatural power? Practical Christian living always turns back to key disciplines: the Bible, the church, prayer and fasting, giving, and loving. It is opening your ears to what He says and obeying, trusting Him to work in it and bring about the results. You can rely on Him to meet all of your needs, direct you, and give you eternal life at the end of your time on Earth.

God is good and desires good for you. Your walk with Him is a growing process. It is time Christians put aside fear, inferiority, and shame and see themselves as children of God, ones He adores and delights in. Rest in His love and forgiveness. Walk-in His peace. Trust in His Holy Spirit to work in you to bear fruit. And as you present your own needs before Him.

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