1. Gen Z rarely associates negative emotions with faith-sharing
“In general, … Gen Z rarely associates negative emotions with discussions across faith lines. This may be because Gen Z is not worried about feeling judged regarding conversations on faith. Unlike the Millennials who came before them, these teens accept that not always seeing eye to eye is a fact of life, with over four in five (81%) refuting that ‘if someone disagrees with you, it means they’re judging you.’ Overall, Gen Z comes and goes from faith-sharing conversations without friction or confrontation, truly desiring to listen and connect, and are likely to reevaluate again.”
2. Gen Z prefers in-person conversations to digital ones for faith conversations.
More than half (58%) said they prefer faith conversations to happen in person rather than online. This may seem surprising at first glance due to how much time and energy this generation spends online, but it is in keeping with the general trend of a more relational evangelistic approach. It’s easy to say anything online and have your words disconnected from your actions. Gen Z has a strong belief in the connectivity of faith and actions. They don’t want to be preached at or to preach at others; they want genuine relationships and understanding. Four in five (82%) believe that faith conversations are most effective when there’s already an established friendship.
3. Gen Z wants to know what the Bible says and how to apply it to their lives.
Per a study by the American Bible Society, 81% of Gen Z say they’re curious about the Bible. More and more students are asking for their leaders to teach them the Bible. What does the Bible say about things going on in their daily life? Leaders cannot shy away from doctrine and theology.
Application is a must. 64% of Gen Z said they wished they read the Bible more. Students are no longer content being taught only Bible stories. They want to know how to live out what Scripture says and how to read the Bible for themselves. Bible teaching is not just about content delivery but also practical living.
4. Social Media continues to rise among Gen Z.
Most teens say they use the internet at least daily. Nearly half of teens say they use the internet “almost constantly.” Per a study by Pew Research, YouTube is the most widely used platform. TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram remain popular: The majority of teens ages 13 to 17 say they use TikTok (63%), Snapchat (60%) and Instagram (59%).