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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

“Trans activists are calling for more blood after the Nashville shooting.

BY... Ken Ham

Since the horrific shootings at a Christian school in Nashville, & the resulting murder of children & adults, we’ve seen a number of extremely concerning headlines such as “Trans activists are calling for more blood after the Nashville shooting.” Another stated, “Nashville congressman responds to radical trans group Turning shooter into “martyr” is beyond disturbing.”

There was a graphic posted, that no one seems to know for sure if it’s an April Fool’s Day prank or real, that advertised, “Trans Day of Vengeance.” Maybe it's both!

Secular media outlets that showed little or no sympathy for the victims and their families, came across as having sympathy for the shooter because she said she was trans,

The media was also reported for mocking prayer in this headline, “Media mockery of prayer ‘subtle smears’ against Christianity coverage of Nashville massacre.” No doubt they did this because they know Christians, based on God’s clear word teach there are only two genders of humans, male, and female. To claim one can change their gender is a perversion of God’s created order, & a denial of science.

And of course (and I’m not getting into the gun debate, but just making an important point) many claimed guns were the problem instead of looking at the fact it was a person using the gun that carried out this tragic crime.

When the media mocked prayer, they mocked Christianity, & are actually mocking God. Of course, they don’t believe in God but seem to spend a lot of time mocking someone they don’t believe in.

They make moral judgments about issues, but in reality, have no basis to make moral judgments.

Without the basis in absolute authority, they have no basis to determine right or wrong or good or bad. As Jesus taught, “And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone” (Luke 18:19).

These mocking anti-Christian people are so hypocritical. They gleefully condone the brutal killing of children every day in their mother’s wombs. They wouldn’t speak against the instruments (as they do guns) used by abortion-killing doctors, as they demand child sacrifice to the god of self.

Yes, they believe they are their own god & can do whatever they determine. In doing so, they're totally intolerant of Christians who trust the true God & obey His Word. After all, the God of the Bible is our Creator, & therefore owns us, & has the total right to tell us what is right & wrong.

These mocking people ignore the fact that they, & everyone else, are under the death penalty for our sins. Such mockers are trying to blame others, particularly Christians, for the reason this woman killed children & adults. They refuse to acknowledge that humans are sinners & under the condemnation of death. In fact, none of us deserve life.

But God loves us so much, as undeserving as we are, He provided a way of salvation for us. He stepped into history in the person of His Son to be the God-man, 100% God & 100% man, sinless, & suffered death on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. He rose from the dead, conquering death & the devil, & offers a free gift of salvation to all who believe.

“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

Death is horrible. The bible describes it as an “enemy.” I can’t imagine the grief those Christian parents are suffering. One day death will be thrown into the lake of fire & be no more. As humans, we grieve death. But for Christians, as hard as it is dealing with this world of death & suffering, we also understand what God tells us in His Word:

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Romans 8:18).

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things, have passed away.”

(Revelation 21:4).

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