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The Watchman on the Wall

Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

If you are a true believer and on the road to our Blessed Hope and you're feeling alone, weak, shunned, and ignored — know that you are not alone!

He's been with us every single step of this road, we can almost see Him cheering for us at that finish line that we're about to cross!

This is an excerpt from Peter Garcia to all true believers and watchmen of the body of Christ.

The Lonely Road to the Blessed Hope: "The watchman on the western wall cried with a loud voice to the crowds: Behold, the end of all things is at hand! No head turned towards him. No ear bent upwards to hear better. After a moment, he cried out again: Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. A time of unspeakable horror is coming upon the world. The 70th Week of Daniel, often commonly referred to as The Tribulation, will be a foretaste of hell on earth during the final seven years of mankind. In his heart, the watchman cries because this generation will not heed the warning.

They are full of eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear.

The watchman's calling is not glamorous. Nor is it without cost.

Friendly acquaintances have abandoned him. Even loved ones have been avoiding him altogether. He has had long-term relationships severed by friends and close family, and His calling has cost him his livelihood.

Perhaps even his beloved spouse believes he has finally lost his mind and has taken to mocking and scoffing at him at every opportune time. One day, should the Lord tarry, she will leave him for another like herself. Someone equally distracted with the here and now, where an endless consumption of material things fills the time.

The truth is, that the love of Christ ruins the watchman. For when one tastes of that glory so divine that only Christ offers, nothing else on earth will satisfy. The watchman becomes consumed by investing in the world to come, and not this present one which is quickly fading away.

Nothing else on earth will quench the hunger for the true believer. Nothing else will quench the thirst. Christ has ruined his appetite for the things of this world, and he knows he is all the better for it. So if you are a true believer and a watchman, and you are feeling disheartened, alone, weak, neglected, shunned, and ignored, know that you are not alone. Christ knows your struggles and your walk. He is there with us through every step of the path He gave us to walk. Knowing that we are not alone and that this journey we are on is at its end, and the finish line is in sight, Rejoice! Rejoice for the perseverance to endure this race until the end of everything.

Rejoice for knowing that as bad as this life is, it is the closest to hell you will ever be. Rejoice for the things Christ has in store for those who love Him."



Keep Looking UP, Church! Let's keep preaching about our Jesus and our Blessed Hope! Our King is COMING!


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