He changes times and seasons, he removes kings and sets up kings, he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. – Daniel 2:21
Did you ever step on the scales and think, that can’t be right? Or you spend an afternoon out and you come home exhausted. Maybe it crosses your mind that you need to get in better shape! What if you consider the status of your spiritual life? Would you be buff or out of condition?
God has the final word on who leads the nation. You may wonder at His purposes as policies that are implemented run counter to God’s Word. American believers have had it relatively easy compared to Christians in the rest of the world and throughout history. However, the freedom of religion has been increasingly marginalized and undermined. It is helpful to contemplate the lessons learned by believers in the early church who lived among open antagonism toward the gospel.
When Peter was in prison and expected to be killed, believers had an all-night prayer meeting. When Jesus was going to select the disciples, He spent all night in prayer. John was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, despite having been banished to the Isle of Patmos. How long has it been since you “toned up” your spiritual life? Are you spiritually fit and healthy?
The practice of prayer is vital to spiritual wellbeing. Praying regularly when life seems stable and calm puts you in the condition to pray all night when necessary.
We can debate, protest and shout our opinions to the world, but only if we are “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit” (Ephesians 6: 18), will we see evil and hatred demolished and bondage broken, defeated by the power and love of God.