Therefore, my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. – Psalm 16:9
A poll conducted in the summer of 2023 showed that the happiest people in America are “older, female, and believe in God.” Yet only 12 percent of the respondents in that poll said they would classify themselves as “very happy.”
For King David, who wrote Psalm 16, his heart was happy because of his relationship with the Lord. He uses the words “delight,” “pleasant,” “glad,” and “joy” to describe his happiness. He found those things in the Lord’s person, in the Lord’s people, in the Lord’s presence, in the Lord’s portion, and in the Lord’s principles. David knew them well because he had immersed himself in the study of God’s Word. In verse 2, David states, “I have no good apart from you.” The apostle James writes, in the New Testament, “Every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17).
Do you delight and find joy and happiness in your relationship with the Lord?
Does it bring you joy in the morning to know that when you wake up, He is with you?
If you depend on money, prestige, position, or relationships, they will all fail you sooner or later. However, God never fails. His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23).