In you shall all the families of the earth be blessed. – Genesis 12:3
Some have called it the Grand Canyon of the Bible… the division between Genesis chapters 11 and 12. On one side of the canyon are four major events in God’s dealing with humankind over a period of roughly 2,000 years – Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. Chapter twelve begins on the other side with one man, Abraham, and time slows down (chapters 12-50 cover about 350 years). God’s dealings with human beings become very personal.
Abraham is called from his homeland to another land. Leaving his family and their idol worship, he journeys to some unknown destination known only to the Lord. “Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness” (Romans 4:3). Abraham’s faith brought an extraordinary blessing from God. In Genesis 12:1-2, God promised to lead him to a new land, make him into a great nation, and make his name great.
But there was much more… through him, all families of the earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:3). This blessing points to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who was to come from the lineage of Abraham. The blessings would extend from the nation of Israel to all peoples of the world.
In your preparation for the celebration of Christ’s birth, may you continually remember that God’s promise of a Savior was from the beginning with Adam and Eve, then through Abraham, and it extends to you. Believe in Jesus and enjoy His blessings in this life and sweet communion with your Messiah for eternity.