The priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.
2 Chronicles 5:14
Celebrations can be amazing gatherings. People may sing, clap, shout, or dance at the festivities. Have you ever been to a public celebration where security personnel is bringing a dignitary through a crowd? You may have heard them say “Step aside” as they work their way through the mass of people.
In ancient Israel, King David had a strong desire to build God His own house as a temple of worship. But God chose David’s son, Solomon, to do that work. With specific instructions and vast pre-arranged resources, King Solomon completed his father’s dream.
On dedication day, a true celebration was underway, trumpets and cymbals, singing and speeches, then the Ark of the Covenant was brought and ceremonially installed in the temple. Songs of worship filled the air with “for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Slowly God’s new house began to fill with clouds, so much so, that the priests could no longer stand and work. The glory of the Lord, in the form of a cloud, filled His temple as the people praised Him.
The priests had to step aside for the presence of God Most High. Today, as on that day, the mark of a true servant of God is to know when to move out of the way for God’s presence to work in people’s lives.