In moments of despair, yes we need to fix our eyes on Jesus.
Yes, we need to place our hope in the Lord.
Yes, we need to wait for the Lord - BUT also lets NOT isolate ourselves - we're a body, and we need each other!
Stay connected and connect with others!
We understand this principle. Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble because who is going to help him/her get back up? Ecl.4:9-12
I encourage you to find that one person, or people, that can help you during these days. We're facing very tough times as a Church - the enemy knows his days are numbered and is unleashing all his power against us to keep us down and keep us shut, so we stop preaching the gospel to this world.
It's not going to happen.
Stay connected, and reach out to others to encourage them and to be encouraged!!
I thank God every day for you and for that one person God gave me for such a time like this!
Keep looking up!! We're almost home!