Describe serving God through sickness.
Spurgeon was a master illustrator. You can use this illustration in your own preaching to describe serving God through sickness.
How many daughters of pain do I know, and sons of affliction—perhaps even from their birth the subjects of some grievous infirmity that has cast a shadow over their whole lives! There lies, at Dundee, at this present moment, a man who has been confined to his bed, I think it is now fifty-six years. I have his photograph at home, and the friend who sent it to me wrote, “I send you the likeness of the happiest man in Dundee, and one of the most useful, too, for he is a great soul-winner though he cannot raise himself from a constantly prostrate position.” He talks so sweetly of Christ and of the upholding power of divine grace that he leads many to put their trust in Jesus Christ.