For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. – Isaiah 55:8
The call from God is to “come… seek the Lord while he may be found” (Isaiah 55:1, 6).
He has offered salvation through His Son, Christ Jesus.
Believe in Him and you will be saved (Acts 16:31).
Many, however, will consider this too easy and reject the call.
They apply the thinking of the world, where there is a cost to everything, to the free gift of God for those who will accept it.
Though created in the image of God, humans oftentimes question the ways of God. That is why the Lord appeals to all His created beings to forsake their sinful ways, apply His Word to their thinking, and experience wisdom in their daily living.
God’s thoughts are vastly superior to any of humanity’s thoughts, and His ways always lead to the best results possible.
Access to wisdom comes when you have a deep awe and fear of the Lord, substantiate His Word, and apply it to your daily life through prayer.
You will never be able to completely comprehend God.
Though you may come to truly know Him, such knowledge will be partial and imperfect. Understand that He desires to bless you. His compassion fails not, and His faithfulness to you is steadfast. Even in times of hardship or tragedy, when you do not understand, the Lord will comfort you.
Orient your life to know God more fully, accept His guidance with gratitude, and live your daily life in the wisdom He provides. He will illumine more and more as you delve deeper into His Word.