In Satan's self-delusion that he could defeat God, he likely rejoiced in the death of Christ, believing that he was still lord over sin, death, and humanity, only to come to realize that the cross became his final defeat and that God will crush him under our feet! IT IS FINISHED!
Satan - the force of evil in this world - has already been defeated! The timer on the end of his evil activities was set when the Son of God walked out of the tomb!
Jesus defeated sin and death, and Satan was put on notice - therefore his time is short!!
His pride and rebellion are his doom! He's not equal to God, he is under God and his power and authority are restricted and limited - his freedom is coming to an end. He is blind, depraved, and delusional and he still believes that can defy God's authority!
He was defeated when Jesus was born! He was defeated when Jesus lived day after day a sinless life! He was defeated when Jesus died on the cross!
He was defeated when Jesus rose from the tomb! He was defeated when you and I were saved by believing in Jesus and trusting Him with all our hearts!
He is defeated every day that we live in truth! He will be defeated when Jesus comes to rapture His Church before the 7-year tribulation begins! He will be defeated once and for all when Jesus comes back to judge the nations, and returns to cast him into the lake of fire, unable to propagate his evil ever again! (Revelation 20:1-15).
Satan WAS, IS, and WILL BE defeated!!
He is defeated and crushed on the cross and under our feet!! (Romans 16:20) Don't let your pride and rebellion keep you from the Kingdom of God!!! Believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sin, and was buried and resurrected to give you eternal life!!!
Come to Jesus, let His blood defeat your sin and pass over from darkness into light, from death into life, from the enemy's kingdom into GOD'S KINGDOM!!