Running the Race With My Eyes on Jesus: A Devotional Poem By Bob SandersPhillip RaimoFeb 3, 20242 min readI am fixing my eyes on JesusI am looking past my problemsI am honing my focusgazing intently at Himpeering through dark cloudsof chaos and confusioncorruption and pollutiononto Jesusour one true hope and solution The Father's heart is my targetmy path has been markedmy goal is firmly setI am moving out of the darkinto His glorious lightnot turning to the left or the rightpressing into the straight and narrowI am piercing through hostile windslike a flaming arrow I am sojourning in the race set before mepurposed to remain focused and disciplinedfollowing His pre-set course wholeheartedlycasting off the entanglements of sinshedding fear and doubtfor I am running to winon this heavenly routeI am eating and drinkingfrom His Eternal Sourcefortifying me to finish this course Jesus my Captain, faithful and trueAuthor and Finisher of my faith in YouYou are completing the inner workYou have committed Yourself to doeven when it doesn't appear to be sothe seeds You’ve planted continue to growforge my heart to be undivided I prayguard me from being double-mindeddon't let me stray I long to pursue Your merciful facefor often I am crawling and limpingrather than running this raceplease continue to fortify mewith Your empowering grace Envelope me in Your presenceset Your joy before mearmor me with love and perseverancegarrison me with Your resilienceso I can continue runningwith faith and patience Bless my seeking and my findingbreathe into me Your refreshing loveenhance my believing and receivinghelp me set my mind on things abovefan my heart flame to fervently pursueloving, trusting, and worshiping You My God, You are faithful and trueYou make all things newYou bring the needed breakthroughscause me to be motivated and wooedto gladly complete the destinythat You have marked out for mecause me to remain alignedwith You and Your finish lineAs you welcome meinto Your everlasting arms of eternityto celebrate with You, my Kingendless joy, bliss, and tranquility (Heb 12:1-2, 1Cor 9:24, Phil 3:14, 2Tim 4:7-8)By Bob Sanders-©
I am fixing my eyes on JesusI am looking past my problemsI am honing my focusgazing intently at Himpeering through dark cloudsof chaos and confusioncorruption and pollutiononto Jesusour one true hope and solution The Father's heart is my targetmy path has been markedmy goal is firmly setI am moving out of the darkinto His glorious lightnot turning to the left or the rightpressing into the straight and narrowI am piercing through hostile windslike a flaming arrow I am sojourning in the race set before mepurposed to remain focused and disciplinedfollowing His pre-set course wholeheartedlycasting off the entanglements of sinshedding fear and doubtfor I am running to winon this heavenly routeI am eating and drinkingfrom His Eternal Sourcefortifying me to finish this course Jesus my Captain, faithful and trueAuthor and Finisher of my faith in YouYou are completing the inner workYou have committed Yourself to doeven when it doesn't appear to be sothe seeds You’ve planted continue to growforge my heart to be undivided I prayguard me from being double-mindeddon't let me stray I long to pursue Your merciful facefor often I am crawling and limpingrather than running this raceplease continue to fortify mewith Your empowering grace Envelope me in Your presenceset Your joy before mearmor me with love and perseverancegarrison me with Your resilienceso I can continue runningwith faith and patience Bless my seeking and my findingbreathe into me Your refreshing loveenhance my believing and receivinghelp me set my mind on things abovefan my heart flame to fervently pursueloving, trusting, and worshiping You My God, You are faithful and trueYou make all things newYou bring the needed breakthroughscause me to be motivated and wooedto gladly complete the destinythat You have marked out for mecause me to remain alignedwith You and Your finish lineAs you welcome meinto Your everlasting arms of eternityto celebrate with You, my Kingendless joy, bliss, and tranquility (Heb 12:1-2, 1Cor 9:24, Phil 3:14, 2Tim 4:7-8)By Bob Sanders-©