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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Receiving From The Lord Talking to The Father And Reading The Living Word

Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John, and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves; and He was transfigured before them. His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them. And Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.Mark 9:2-4

When you see Jesus face-to-face, what will you say?

Much is taking place in this passage as Jesus is transfigured on the Mount of Olives, but notice this small point: Elijah and Moses were talking with Jesus. Can you imagine what kinds of things they were talking about? What a conversation that must have been.

What a day it will be when we are face to face with Elijah, Moses, Paul, Peter, Noah, our loved ones who are in heaven right now... and the list could go on and on. Even better, how awesome will it be for us to talk with Jesus, face to face?

But I believe the transfiguration account doesn't merely show us what things will be like someday. It also gives us hope this very moment that, just as Moses and Elijah communicated with our Lord that day, so can we.

You see, Luke tells us in his parallel passage that Jesus "took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray" (Luke 9:28).

There on that mountain, Moses and Elijah spoke with Jesus -- they prayed.

Peter, John, and James talked with the Lord -- that's prayer.

And today, you have the same access to Jesus that these men enjoyed.

God loves you so much; He has given you a way to talk with Him, 24/7. You may not see Him face to face, but you can speak with Him, heart to heart.

The one thing that the Lord keeps highlighting in my heart is everything Spiritually can be related to in our day-to-day relationships.

We pray to communicate with the Father in Jesus Name through the power of the Holy Spirit and one does not contradict the other.

How important is communication in your relationships?

The Bible says Jesus comes into our hearts and lives there.

He talks to us and eats with us and it is permanent.

Our Lord is not part-time, He does not take breaks. In the Spirit, we call that person a back slider. He calls us His bride, not just that guy or girl, boyfriend or girlfriend. We can't even be a friend unless we wed ourselves to the Lord first but the Western Bride throws around terms and they have lost their savior or value.

We have lost sight of the customs of old. Mary and Joseph we engaged for 17 years and to put one away at that point required a writing of divorce from the priest.

A relationship that lacks communication will die an uncertain death because the enemy is given all the ammo he needs to bring you down.

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