Life is too short to wake up with regrets… So love
the people who treat you right.. Forget about the
ones who don't. Believe everything happens for a
reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both
hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life
would be easy, they just promised it would be
worth it.
God has gone before us and buried a treasure in every problem and stored rich truths in every minute of darkness we face. The only way we can discover that treasure is to embrace the problem as an opportunity to trust God and uncover a new seed of victory. Some things cannot be learned in the light - they are treasures of the dark times Revealed in the light.
The Bible is jam-packed with verses about why we suffer and how to get through it. Let me share with you just one. Romans 8:18-39 is a wonderful summary of what it means to suffer as a Christian. Paul's point is this: suffering in your life now won't compare to the glory that awaits you. Suffering is difficult, just like Jesus said, but knowing that this bit of suffering will result in the future glory of being with our Lord, face to face for a lifetime, makes it all worthwhile.
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Romans 4:18).
A reacquiring phrase in the bible and especially in the book of Revelations is, he that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.
We are continually admonished to be Spiritually minded and see and hear in the Spirit. The Bible tells us to even exercise our senses. The King James Version says to train up our senses.
As we are finishing chapter 2 of Revelations and on the third church one thing is a fact, hearing and knowing the word does you no good if we are not putting it into application, as stated by Pastor Dennis last night.
One area we talked about in our group was being a doer of the word. When I think of the fruits of the Spirit there is an application involved. Even faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God so we must apply the word to obtain faith. It comes from trusting in the Lord but how can you trust someone you don't know?
I have come to a major conclusion. I don't know about you but our worship groups in our churches are better than some artists who are making money off the songs. I know when it comes to worship we do it right....
When we think of God's will for our lives, a lot of us get hung up on stuff like: "Who should I marry? What job should I have? What car or house should I buy?" God is concerned with all those things, but He is more concerned with a whole different issue. The real issue with God is personal conduct more than a personal roadmap. In the New Testament alone, there are three passages where the will of God for our life is spelled out. Let's call these foundational issues "biblical imperatives." Number one, God's will for us is holiness. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3, Paul says, "This is the will of God, your sanctification." You could express that, "This is what God wants for you. Live a holy life." And then he speaks specifically of abstaining from sexual immorality. It's strange to me that those who are sexually involved will often spend their time wondering about what God's will is for their career or where they should move when they haven't even started here. Number two, God's will for us is thankfulness. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). In the Greek language this is in the present imperative: "Keep on being joyful, keep on being prayerful, keep on being thankful." I personally know some (and you probably do too) who have made complaining into an art form, but it is never God's will for Christians to be prayerless grumblers who complain their way through life. Number three, God's will for us is submissiveness. "For the Lord's sake submit yourselves to every human authority: whether to the king as supreme or governors who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing right you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people" (1 Peter 2:13-15, ISV). What's interesting is that when Peter says to be submissive to authority, he doesn't differentiate between a good government and a bad one. When he wrote this, the exceedingly wicked Caesar Nero was in charge.
"A career is what you are paid for but a calling is what you are MADE for".
Never Getting 'Thrown'
The story is told that Andrew Jackson’s boyhood friends just couldn’t understand how he became a famous general and then the 7th President of the United States. They knew of other men who had greater talent but who never succeeded, certainly not to the level of becoming the country's top leader. One of Jackson’s friends said, “Why, Jim who lived right down the pike from Jackson, was not only smarter but he could throw Andy three times out of four in a wrestling match. But look where Andy is now.” Another friend responded, “How did there happen to be a fourth time? Didn’t they usually say three times and out?” “Sure, they were supposed to, but not Andy. He would never admit he was beat -- he would never stay throwed. Jim would get tired, and on the fourth try Andrew Jackson would throw him and be the winner.”
Picking up on that idea, someone has said, “The thing that counts is not how many times you are ‘throwed,’ but whether you are willing to stay ‘throwed.’” We may face setbacks, but we must take courage and go forward in faith. Then, through the Holy Spirit’s power we can be the eventual victor over sin and the world. The battle is the Lord’s, so there is no excuse for us to stay “throwed”!
"Thoughts become words which become your actions which become your habits which become your character which becomes your destiny." -Lao Tzu
Your financial glass ceiling is created from your experiences, parents, teachers, thoughts, fears, beliefs, perceptions, and internal brain patterns. These experiences affect you on EVERY level of your financial and life success!
C. H. Spurgeon said, "A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you, and were helped by you, will remember you. So carve your name on hearts and not on marble."
God wants us to deal with our sinful nature, but not because He hates us. He does it because He loves us, and wants to spare us the death that comes from the fleshly nature. Is God speaking to you about a specific need to deal with your rebellious human nature? Draw close to Jesus.
If you decide to come against one of God’s children, and murder their reputation, so you can benefit, be very careful. In the end, it will be your reputation shattered, but it will not be because of lies. It will be because you lied and cheated to come against God’s anointed. Lies and false reports are among Satan’s choicest weapons.
~J. C. Ryle~
One marker of love is that when wronged, it seeks to reconcile the relationship instead of retaliating to return pain. Of course, this is much harder to do in real life than it is to write in a caption. How do you respond to your spouse when you're feeling frustrated or hurt?
Do you tend to lash out with harmful words, tones, actions, or motives? Do you try to hurt them back? Or do you show the qualities of love? Patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness....self control. Here's the catch: we can't just muscle our way to showing more love by resolving to improve our behavior. Sure, that might work for a little while but it will always be unsustainable. We will always fail to show love on our own. True, deep, lasting love results when we experience and trust in the unfailing love of Christ. Every time we lash out at our spouse, it's the result of some disbelief in the gospel deep in our hearts. Love that comes from Christ seeks to be reconciled to the one loved, not retaliate for being wronged. Let reconciliation be your aim whenever you and your spouse have arguments or hurts; that's the love Jesus shows to us every single day.
A.W. Tozer wrote, “There are those times that before God uses a man or woman greatly, He will hurt them deeply.”
God’s love for us sometimes takes us to deep, dark caves where we grow in intimacy and faith.
Fruit that is never out of season: faithfulness
~John Maxwell~
Faithfulness is a fruit that never rots.
I can't think of any verse in the New Testament in which God has instructed us to pray and ask Him to do something about Satan. Can you? The reason: That God has already placed ALL things (powers, dominions, etc.) under the feet of Jesus (and therefore under ours as well). Nothing is over His head, and nothing is outside of His control. Including whatever problem you might be facing right now. If we're not being led by Jesus, we're not going to be able to tap into His power and authority.
It’s easy to look around and see the brokenness in this world: sickness, poverty, violence, hate, racism, war, injustice and complete despair. How can a good God allow such things? But Solomon points out in Ecclesiastes 3:16-17 that despite injustice and despair taking place here and now, God uses these things as well. Persecution, suffering, and tribulation are there to teach us. If there were no benefits from it, God would not allow it. There will come a day when God will judge both the righteous and the wicked. That season is coming. We have great hope that day because everything will be set right and we will all be living with God through Christ in heaven. Every injustice will be overturned, and people will receive their due
"Whatever failure marks your life...don’t let that define your future. That’s the past, not the future. Your failure can become part of your testimony. It can become part of your platform to strengthen the lives of others." —Skip Heitzig
There is no pursuit more worthy than Christ. None. The best gift you can give your husband or wife is a heart after him.
During Christ’s ministry, thousands of people who came to hear Him and receive healing had no food. Jesus stepped up and provided for them through a miracle and by directing His disciples to help. What if Jesus didn’t take responsibility? Had He sent them off with no food, Christ said they would have fainted along the way (Mark 8:3).
Large crowds can be helpless without effective leadership. Is God asking you to step up?
On September 11, 2001, Ronald C. Fazio held the door open on the ninety-ninth floor of the World Trade Center South Tower and directed people to safety, saving their lives while sacrificing his. In his honor, his son, Robert J. Fazio Ph.D., founded Hold the Door for Others, a nonprofit organization to “empower people to grow through loss and adversity.” Fazio said, “My dad was not a ‘leader’ as most of us would describe a leader. He was a quiet, humble man.”
Sin is three-dimensional and has consequences in three directions: toward God, toward self, and toward society. It alienates from God, degrades self, and injures others.
~A.W. Tozer~
What we think to be disruption from God’s plan, often turns out to be exactly what He planned.
Proverbs 16:9 A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.
I don't know about you, but I need mercy. Every time I think I get this Christian life right, my sinful nature kicks in and I do something I wish I hadn't. I am so grateful for God's mercy.
Christians have dual citizenship on earth and in heaven––our citizenship in heaven ought to make us better people here on earth.
~Warren W. Wiersbe~
Celebrate simply talking to a lost person. Most students are insulated in Christian bubbles
God has called us to be faithful not successful!
Celebrate every first down (not just touchdowns)!
I’t not our job to save people - we can’t. But, it is our job to point them to the One that can save them - Jesus.
When in doubt share the gospel.
It’s pretty clear that those who think the most about eternity do the most in the here and now.
Painful trials are not the end.
God never changes is the same yesterday today and forever but his methods they change all the time.
Believer, you are surrounded by enemies and in your own strength you are helpless. If you are not clothed with heavenly armor (Eph. 6:11), you are naked and every enemy dart will penetrate you. Spurgeon
"For those who think that Vladimir Putin’s Russia and his war in Ukraine have little to do with the domestic situation in the United States ... it is more than time to reconsider." -- Kost Elisevich
The main heresy is still justification by works." –– Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Exposition of Romans 10: Saving Faith, 43. Trials wean us from this world and prompt us to look to the happiness of the next world. ― Thomas Boston “Since God is clean and pure in his action (purus actus), there is nothing but purity in God and his ways.” — Stephen Charnock, Divine Providence, 200-201.
“…Paul’s parallel between Adam and Christ implies a covenant with the former, just as we are saved by covenant in the latter.” - Beeke & Smalley. Reformed Systematic Theology, 2:293.
"By virtue of our union with Christ, we draw near to this boundless God. We find in Him all we could ever want. We rest in Him as the dearest Father, wisest Guide, strongest Shield, greatest Good, closest Friend, richest Grace, and sweetest love." — Stephen Yuille “The great duty of prayer is to catch a sight of God in heaven, and Christ at his right hand.” — Thomas Manton My security as a Christian does not reside in the strength of my faith but in the indestructibility of my Savior. - Sinclair B. Ferguson
“But God's love is the love of a father whose love is pure toward his children, and he seeks their good as his own.” — Stephen Charnock “We ought rather to lose our lives than deny truth; for God’s truth is better than our lives.” — Richard Sibbes
“What are the promises, but divine cordials to revive fainting souls!” — Thomas Watson
Think of Luther, a poor monk, who alone set himself against the whole world, and wrought that effect that we have all cause at this day to honour the memory of him. —Puritan Richard Sibbes (1577-1635), Works 5:152
“…it is the counsel of Luther that your sins should rather drive you to Christ, than keep you from Him.” —Marrow of Modern Divinity (1645)
Though the sins of the justified should be remembered at the day of judgement, it will not be to the confusion of their faces, but [to] the exaltation of the Lord’s grace. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 1:196-97 When men spurn the offers of Christ which God maketh to them, they dishonor him 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘺; it is a contempt cast upon the Son of God, as if he were not worth the taking. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 10:262
Every time you draw your breath, you suck in mercy! Thomas Watson
We are in a wrong state of mind if we are not in a thankful state of mind. Charles Spurgeon Any altar of religious unity upon which the Word of God is sacrificed is a cursed altar at which immortal souls are slaughtered. Don Fortner
No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good. C. S. Lewis The Lord Jesus over-rules every thing for the good of his church. - George Whitefield The way [of salvation] is opened and prepared, and it is not because men cannot enter, but because they will not, that they do not enter. —John Owen, Works 6:529 We find no rest for our weary bones unless we cling to the word of grace. -Martin Luther -
“God has infinite attention to spare for each one of us. You are as much alone with him as if you were the only being he had ever created.” - C.S. Lewis
"If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million of enemies. Yet the distance makes no difference; He is praying for me." (Robert Murray McCheyne)
"Far better be silent altogether than contend for any portion of the truth in a bitter, angry, censorious spirit." -Arthur Pink.
"Faith lays hold upon the righteousness of God, by accepting God’s plan of justifying sinners through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and thus she makes the sinner just." - Charles Spurgeon The two conditions of personal salvation are repentance & faith: the former having reference to his attitude toward sin & the latter his attitude toward Christ. -Wilbur Tillett (1902)
"A calm hour with God is worth a lifetime with man." — Charles Spurgeon
In the world, if we glorify Christ indeed, we shall meet with hard entertainment, but you will not repent of it when Christ appeareth in the day of his royalty. —Thomas Manton, Works 10:261 "Faith in Jesus is the best cure for every care, the best balm for every wound." — Charles Spurgeon If you are godly you will never suffer except in this world. -Jeremiah Burroughs - Though our feelings come and go, his love for us does not. C. S. Lewis "Faith lays hold upon the person, life, and death of the Lord Jesus as her sole hope, and in the righteousness of Christ she arrays herself." - Charles Spurgeon Christ did not die for any upon condition, if they do believe; but He died for all God's elect, that they should believe." -John Owen.
Prayer is a two-way conversation where we can cry out to God, intercede for our families, pursue God's will in our lives, and much more.
Jesus intercedes for His own. He prays for our: 1. Unity (Jn 17:21) 2. Sanctification (Jn 17:17) 3. Protection from Evil (Jn 17:15) 4. Joy (Jn 17:13) 5. Knowledge of God (Jn 17:3) 6. Glorification (Jn 17:24) 7. Love (Jn 17:26)
No money of yours is current in heaven; the jewels of the covenant are not sold for any price but Christ’s blood and Christ’s obedience. —Puritan Thomas Manton, Works 10:166
"There is enough in the Bible for you to live upon forever." — Charles Spurgeon
“There is a difference between mercy and grace. Mercy is not getting what we do deserve. Grace is getting what we do not deserve.” ―O. S. Hawkins
"If preachers are not finding sermon preparation hard work they are not giving their sermons a fair crack of the whip. It is one part inspiration, nine parts perspiration." Alec Motyer "When the incarnation takes place, the obedience begins." - Steven Duby. Jesus and the God of Classical Theism, 253.
"Christ's eyes never slumber, his hands never rest, and his shoulders are never weary of carrying his people's burdens." — Charles Spurgeon
Let your hope of heaven master your fear of death. -William Gurnall -
"The Bible is the surpreme authority to which we joyfully bow." — Charles Spurgeon
The only way we can avoid conformity to the values of this world is consistent exposure to the Word of God.
Sanctification doesn’t happen by osmosis. We can’t starve ourselves spiritually and still expect to grow in the likeness of Christ. —John MacArthur
Despair reigns when a person is persuaded that no amount of reverence towards God will lead to a positive reception from God. When [this] deadly disposition is operative, it is impossible for true & proper worship of God to follow. -Arminius
Regardless of how bad things may get, all believers can rest in the following truths: • Jesus is alive • Jesus is reigning • Jesus is praying for you • Jesus is building His church • Jesus is preparing a place for you • Jesus is sanctifying you • Jesus loves you
"It is a crime and an insult to God, for me, an atom, a particle of dust, to dare to deny his words." — Charles Spurgeon There is every reason to doubt that progress in evangelization is keeping pace with progress in iniquity. -William Hendriksen - The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God. C. S. Lewis
"[…]the man who believes in God’s method of making men righteous through the righteousness of Jesus, and accepts Jesus and leans upon him, is a just man." - Charles Spurgeon
"Be braver than lions, for God is with you." — Charles Spurgeon
"Satan’s greatest success is in making people think they have plenty of time before they die to consider their eternal welfare." ~John Owen
"You are worrying and troubling yourself, and you can do nothing; go to sleep." — Charles Spurgeon
"Is there nothing to sing about today? Then borrow a song from tomorrow; sing of what is yet to be." — Charles Spurgeon
“Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence.”
— Augustine of Hippo
Advent is a time to pause and cherish God’s most precious gift to us.
Advent begins Sunday, November 27. Embrace this upcoming time of hope. The true light came to earth to bring His hope to us! Light a candle and remember hope!
We are members of the same family. God’s family! You can’t build a strong family unless its members spend time together.
The most important part of the race is the finish line. Yes, the start is important, but you can have a bad start and still finish well. However, if you finish badly, it doesn’t matter how well you started. You’re simply tired, and it was all for nothing. Finishing is everything.
You can’t run a good race if you’re looking over your shoulder. You can trip and fall. Don’t look wistfully at the sinful things you used to do. Put it behind you.
Don’t just start your race well. Finish it well. And finish it with joy.