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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


"God permits a trial -perhaps a bitter one -to rouse our faith from its sleep, and to bring it into healthy and vigorous exercise." -

Mary Winslow.

The thoughtful nature of love teaches you to engage your mind before engaging your lips. Love thinks before speaking. It filters words through a grid of truth and sometimes truth hurts.

"The problem with waiting until tomorrow is that when it finally arrives, it is called today." -- Jim Rohn

Don’t make a decision without sitting before God with an open Bible, open heart, open ears. Let the words of Christ live in your heart and make you wise.


Refuse nothing of God.

~Francois Fenelon~

We think we deserve so much, and therefore should get the credit for everything that is accomplished. But that's so ungrateful to the One who created us!

Paul said that God uses the foolish to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27).

When we see that our only help is God, we are more likely to trust

Him. Sometimes it is the little things that defeat us because they

are the things we think we can do in our own strength. Often when

it comes to the big things, we know only God can do, so we trust

Him more.

"I hated every minute of training, but I said 'Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion" ~ Muhammad Ali

"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option." ~ Mark Twain

“Don't say, ‘If I could, I would.’ Say, ‘If I can, I will.’” – Jim Rohn

“Discipline has within it the potential for creating future miracles.” – Jim Rohn

There is great power in the start. One of the things I have learned is that you have to expect the unexpected. So many of us have long-term plans but life happens and we don’t turn those plans into reality.

Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.” There is nothing new under the sun. Read the word and apply it.

Let your phone be a tool to build your marriage and not a distraction that harms your marriage. When your spouse calls, always answer your phone. When you're with your spouse, leave the phone alone. Talking with your spouse is always more productive than texting with someone else.

One of the things I find in life more and more is people want to pick and choose, they want to live in part instead of as a whole. They will take the country but hate cows and horses, they will take the city but don't wan't the noise, they will take the coast and water but don't swim, fish, or get into the food. Better yet they say I love God but only want to live by some of his word. And they wonder why things are all messed up.

God is not the author of confusion, He is the Author and finisher of our Faith..... Stop trying to live on the fence God would rather you be hot or cold but the very warm, He will spit out His mouth.

Patient waiting is often the highest way of doing God’s will.

~Jeremy Collier~

In all true obedience there is remembrance.

~William Jenkyn~

It’s easy to forget who is the servant and who is to be served. The tool of distortion is one of Satan’s slyest. When the focus is on yourself, you worry that your co-workers won’t appreciate you or your leaders will overwork you. With time, your agenda becomes more important than God’s.

Keep your eyes and ears open to the Lord, so He can show you His will for your life. I can say from experience that 95% of knowing the will of God consists in being prepared to do it before you know what it is.

~Donald Grey Barnhouse~

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, as long as you can.”

The possibility of temptation is no excuse to not invest in the life of a struggling brother or sister. However, it is something to be aware of as we become more deeply involved.

“It’s easier to have a religion of habit than a religion of the heart.”

Warren Wiersbe

Men many times eat their words, but God will never eat his.

~Thomas Brooks~

One of the most difficult aspects of Christian living, doing what is right in the Lord's eyes despite the conflict it might cause with those closest to you.

MY core foundation IS Jesus..

You have heard it; and you’ve probably ignored it: “This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. If this had been an actual emergency… This is only a test.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lamented, “It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian America is 11 o’clock on Sunday morning.” Sadly, Dr. King’s statement still rings true today, though a growing number of churches are discovering how to take down the racial-ethnic walls. Still, we have much work to do if we are going to experience in our lives and churches the wall-shattering, people-unifying work of Christ.

It would be far easier to arrest the sun in its course than to hinder the performance of any promise that God has made to his people.

~George Lawson~

“Sometimes we don't need another chance to express how we feel or to ask someone to understand our situation. Sometimes we just need a firm kick in the pants. An unsmiling expectation that if we mean all these wonderful things we talk about and sing about, then let’s see something to prove it.”

--Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Christians are a select minority and God has made the selection.

~John Blanchard~

The Scriptures clearly invite us to live day by day through Christ sharing His life in us. "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20).

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