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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


It is not trying to obey the Law on the outside that attains perfection for us. Rather, it is the Lawgiver, the One who loved us by laying down His life, who will be with us. He will whisper from the inside: "Why are you going there? Why watch that? Why are you thinking those thoughts?" And then He offers Himself: "Let Me show you a better way, different thoughts, and a new way of living."

Jim Elliot had written, “I seek not a long life but a full one like Yours, Lord Jesus.”

We think that length of life is the ultimate goal. And yes, it’s good to live long. But what is more important is to live right, to do what is right before God. What is more important is to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

"Let's talk about the ingredients that go into the making of a second man. An assistant pastor is there to support the senior pastor, full-on, full-out, without grumbling. The assistant is there to take orders or even suggestions with eagerness. Whether the need is to clean toilets or to teach Bible studies, they are there to help. Who is an assistant supposed to help? Anyone. An assistant is not "on the clock." He is not a member of a "pastor's union." As an assistant, you are not the senior pastor's buddy. You are to leave after taking care of all the basic needs of the church and everything is done that needs to be done. This often will mean leaving the church grounds long after the senior pastor has gone home. You are to be a Timothy, someone who does not seek his own interests, but those of Jesus Christ."

- L.E. Romaine - Second

Not all who serve, serve with others in mind. They serve the pastor, maybe it's for notoriety, or pride to say you did that. All that takes the glory from the Lord. Second by L.E. Romaine"

Nehemiah had a great interest in the lives of other people; he really made such a difference. As the walls of Jerusalem were being rebuilt so were the people’s lives being rebuilt. Compassion for other people is the key to ministry. He was also a leader of great humility and kindness, which is a notable benefit to a godly leader.

"There are those who are appointed to labor in that place in the body called "the shade". They are not out where everyone can see them, they serve in a secondary role. To keep the church moving in power, we need both the up-front and the behind-the-scenes servants of God...

There are few better examples of behind-the-scenes service than Andrew, who brought Peter to Jesus. After this great introduction, you hear more about Peter than Andrew - but where does Andrew stand in the eyes and the heart of our Lord?

There was a Sunday School teacher in Mount Vernon who had a burden for a young man in his Sunday School class. That young man's name was Dwight Moody. We all know how God used Moody. But who was the Sunday School teacher and where does he stand in God's kingdom?.... Who gave the sermon that arrested the attention of Charles Spurgeon?

Both kinds of service, in the spotlight and in the shade, are blessed by the same Lord."

- L.E. Romaine - Second

"Busier men than you or me find time to serve.

My senior pastor had just finished three services on a Sunday morning when some folks came looking for him. I went hunting him down and found him wading around in the men's restroom with his suit, tie, and shoes still on. One of the urinals in the men's restroom had overflowed and he was in there taking care of it.

Don't be afraid to get dirty. Don't think for a minute that you are called to be lords over God's heritage. Don't think you are something when you're not. If you get puffed up, God has a way of sticking a pin in your balloon. You're to be an example."

- L.E. Romaine - Second

“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else”

Benjamin Franklin

Study God’s Word, pray, draw close to the Lord, and allow Him to pull you back up from the daily grind to see things from above Put your life in perspective. See the bigger picture, the long view, and realize that the hassles and difficulties of today will be old news in a short time. Worry and anxiety do not need to consume your thoughts and dictate your state of mind.

The problem is not the Spirit in you, it's pride.

Greg Laurie- To say that Jesus is the only way to Heaven is not a very popular thing in today’s society. But listen, do you think if all roads led to the same destination, and living a good life could get you to Heaven, that God would have poured His judgment on His own beloved Son? Of course not. There was no other way to satisfy His righteous demands—not good works, not reincarnation, not karma or positive thinking, or anything else. Only the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

“Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars.“

Frederick Langbridge

Scripture tells of another disease that affects both the heart and the eyes – sin. Once dead in those sins, you are now made alive in Christ. In Ephesians, Paul prays that the eyes of your heart might know that assurance. This is no vague victory, but the certainty of spending an eternity with the Lord…seeing with your eyes sights that are too brilliant to be imagined, and knowing with your heart the fullness and depth of Christ’s complete love for you. What a holy hope for the future He has called you!

The eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you. Ephesians 1:18

Real friends don't take you away from the Lord; they bring you closer to Him. Maybe the Lord is telling you to be a friend to those who desperately need Jesus in their lives. Maybe the Lord is prompting you to build relationships with those who you know do not know the Lord, and He wants to use you to "carry them" to Him. We don't need Bible thumpers; we need friendships.

Keep the truth and the truth will keep you. ~William Bridge~

How Vain

I counted dollars while God counted crosses. I counted gains while He counted losses. I counted my worth by the things gained in store. But He sized me up by the scars that I bore. I coveted honors and sought degrees. He wept as He counted the hours on my knees. And I never knew till one day at a grave how vain are the things that we spend life to save?

*We live and die; Christ died and lived!

*John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.'

Isn't it possible that short-term "failures" may actually provide you with the necessary insights or distinction to create even greater success in the future? Of course! As you look back now over your "unsuccessful" attempts in the past, what have you learned? How can you use these insights to create great success, now and in the future?

“Visualize and think about yourself as you would ideally like to be, not just as you are.” — Brian Tracy

“Stretch your visions. See what can be, not just what is. Practice adding value to things, to people, and to yourself.” — David Schwartz

“Cherish your visions and your dreams. They are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” — Napoleon Hill

“The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.” — Harry Emerson Fosdick

“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future.” — Denis Waitley

“If you don't have a vision for the future, then your future is threatened to be a repeat of the past.” — A. R. Bernard

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