Watch what's happening, the pride, the arrogance of this world, the irreverence, the independent spirit, the disrespect toward God—it's leading it to its own fall. We're on the verge of the most horrific time the world will ever see!
Run to Jesus NOW - He's waiting for you!
“Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, and before honor is humility.” Prov 18:12
Look around! We're at the end of the season! You have to hear it and see it! This will only get worse, this is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy! Jesus is coming for His Church!
Please watch carefully what's been taking place:
The rebirth and prosperity of the nation of Israel. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI). The announcement of digital currency. The exploitation of a pandemic to establish global governance. The exponential increase of evil.
The sexual immorality and the promotion of this agenda targeting our children. The widespread lawlessness everywhere. Look at what the UN is saying! (Peace) Look at BRICS and the new alliances that are forming Look at the current events unfolding in Europe, France, Israel, Russia, China, Taiwan, and across the globe!
This is a horrific time in human history! The tribulation is about to begin!
But whoever is IN Christ - His Church, is about to be rescued! Jesus will descend from heaven and will snatch His Church out of here because we're not appointed to the wrath of God - His wrath will not touch us!
"For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thess 5:9
We, the Church, could consider ourselves to be the most blessed generation! We will be the generation to be raptured, we will be the ones that Jesus will rescue from this moment, the generation that will never die!
"Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord." 1 Thess 4:17
Take heed!! Lay down your pride! Stop resisting the Holy Spirit and humble yourself before the Lord! Come humbly and believe in Him! He wants to rescue you from the most horrific time the world will ever see!
This is the most important decision of your life!!! Do not continue to reject Him!
It's time to believe in Jesus and get saved!! Be ready, He's coming for His Church!
Believe Jesus is the Son of God, who died on the cross for our sins, He was buried and resurrected during the third day, according to the Scriptures, so we can have eternal life with Him.
The moment you believe in Him and that He died for your sins - you're saved, justified, sealed until the day of redemption, and rapture ready!
The Holy Spirit will come to live inside of you - He will help you, guide you, change you, AND be with you FOREVER!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
Church, let's continue preaching the gospel of salvation!
Keep looking up for our redemption draws near!