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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Preparing For Another Year

When these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near.

Luke 21:28

Every sportsman knows you must keep your eye on the target to hit the mark. Whether you are trying to catch the game-winning ball or drive your car under the checkered flag, your attention will settle where you fix your gaze.

The last people to see Jesus on Earth were His friends. According to the Bible, after His resurrection from the dead, He stayed with them forty days preparing them to tell His story to the world. Then one day He lifted His hands, blessed them, and was carried up into heaven. As they stood in awe staring into the sky, they noticed two men dressed in white, saying; “This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go” (Acts 1:11).

Today, as you put away Christmas decorations, what is on your mind? Are you quietly dreading the continuance of pandemics and politics? Are you counting and recounting dollars versus your bills? How about taking a different approach to preparing for another year? Place your attention and your faith into the reality that Christ has not forgotten His friends. Ponder the gospel message of Christ’s return and look for the person God has prepared to hear the message from you.

Pray for the churches and faithful ministries in your area and support them with your time and resources. As you pack up the old and get ready for the new make sure your gaze is fixed on the beauty of Christ’s care for His followers. And keep one eye on the horizon, He is coming soon!

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