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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Praise by Blessing

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name!

Psalm 103:1

King David begins by looking inward – a self-examination – when he instructs all within him to praise the Lord. True praise and worship of the Lord must come from within and work their way out. Your soul is the essence of your personality; it is what makes you unique. The expressions of your soul begin from the inside.

David continues with, “All that is within me.” His whole being is acknowledging the Lord in gratitude. As you work your way through this incredible song of praise, God is acknowledged as a pardoner, a physician, a redeemer, a benefactor, a judge, a chastiser, as One who is measureless, Creator, and King forever. As you praise Him, yourself melts away and all there is God. Self-centeredness disappears as you identify the greatness and glory of God.

Pray today for those attending churches in America who struggle to praise God wholeheartedly. Whether they have never met the Savior personally, or they are allowing sin to reign within (Romans 6), ask that the Lord would meet them where they are and draw them to Him. Intercede for pastors and teachers in U.S. churches to preach Christ crucified, risen, glorified, and coming again.

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