What would Paul write to America today?
"I have heard of your nation's challenges you face in this present age. I am writing to remind you to trust in the redeeming power of Jesus Christ, and in our Blessed Hope because soon we will be changed into our incorruptible bodies!
The full letter will go something like this:
"Grace and peace to the people of America, from Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus.
My brothers and sisters, I have heard of your nation's prominence and the challenges you face in this present age. Though I am absent in body, I am present in spirit, desiring to offer you words of encouragement and exhortation.
First and foremost, remember that in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female. Therefore, let the love of Christ be the foundation of your interactions with one another. Embrace unity, understanding that diversity can enrich and strengthen your society. Seek justice, for it is the very heart of God.
Please, brethren, do not let the enemy bring confusion among you. Just as he did during my time, he is once again attempting to sow discord. There are individuals preaching against our Blessed Hope within your midst. Do not allow them to steal that hope away from you.
Understand this: the man of lawlessness, the Antichrist, will come after the Lord Himself descends from heaven with a shout, accompanied by the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God. At that moment, you will be gathered in the air.
Do not waver in your belief and anticipation of this glorious event. Hold firm to the truth of Christ's appearance and the promise of eternal life. The enemy seeks to undermine your faith but stand strong and united in your conviction.
Be thankful, for you are the generation of whom I spoke, "the ones that are alive and remain". I will come before you. I, too, will be changed and raised incorruptible to meet the Lord Jesus and welcome you into His arms. This is the long-awaited moment for which we have all yearned – to be transformed and adorned with our incorruptible bodies, so that we may forever dwell with the Lord.
Be thankful that you are privileged to be a part of this nation. However, do not let your heart be anchored solely in the love for it. Be cautious not to be deceived by placing your hope solely in politics or the riches of this country. Guard your heart against the allure of material possessions and the love of money.
Understand the times and remember what I have spoken about concerning the end. Let your heart be fully committed and deeply rooted in Christ and the grace He has displayed toward us.
Do not allow the desires of working your salvation to deceive you. Remember that I have told you that we are saved by grace alone, not by works - so nobody has anything to boast about. It is crucial to remind your sisters and brothers of this truth, the core of the gospel message.
I implore you to hold fast to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let His commandments guide your actions and decisions. Love your neighbors as yourselves and extend compassion to one other. Seek in the Church reconciliation, unity, and peace, for the peacemakers are truly blessed.
Finally, my dear brothers and sisters, do not lose hope. In times of uncertainty and turmoil, remember that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly concerns alone. Trust in the redeeming power of Jesus Christ, who conquered sin and death. Let your lives be a testament to the transformative grace that can be found in Him.
Keep looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearance of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Get ready to hear the sound of that trumpet!
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Your servant in Christ, Paul.