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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Outward Peace, Inner Peace, and Everlasting Peace in Glory.

May the Lord bless his people with peace! Psalm 29:11

One of the intrigues of the Swiss Alps is to hear your voice come back to you in the echoes. There are even guided tours to the Echo Trails. Think of it—your small voice creating a sound that reverberates off the huge mountains.

David writes in Psalm 8 of the glory of God in the heavens, the moon and stars set in place by “the work of [His] fingers” (v.3). In Psalm 19, David writes, “The heavens declare the glory of God… their voice goes out through all the earth… in them, he has set a tent for the sun…[which] runs its course with joy” (vv. 1, 4-5). However, in Psalm 29 David compares the voice of the Lord to the thunder in a huge storm, its sound pounding off the mountainsides with such intensity that you can only think of God’s power and majesty and strength. You stand in awe.

The Lord gives comfort in times of danger. Elijah heard God in a low whisper, after strong winds, an earthquake, and fire (1 Kings 19:3-13). Problems arise in the night, in the heat of the day, and in the midst of storms, but the last two verses of Psalm 29 provide comfort; God has the strength to give to His people, and He will “bless his people with peace” (v. 10-11). It is your heritage, the outward peace, the inner peace, and everlasting peace in Glory. It is yours to claim.

Pray now for those in this nation who struggle to find peace… that they call out to the Lord, their Savior. He will answer.

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