Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me. – Isaiah 49:16
A brain besotted with love might do anything! Hopefully, the silliest thing you have done for love is merely amusing, such as developing a taste for meatloaf! God’s love is very different, it is not human infatuation. His affection is NOT to be equated with the unpredictable emotion people on Earth call “love!”
Unconditional is a word often used to describe God’s feelings for you. It is hard to wrap your skeptical, doubt-filled mind around something called unfailing, unchanging, unceasing, and infinite. However, God’s sentiment toward you is not an emotional response to the specialness of who you are nor a sideways glance at your sin. Rather His kind of love is a factual statement regarding His own limitless grace!
In the Old Testament, priests wore a special vest with the names of the tribes of Israel engraved upon stones and fastened to the front. These served as a reminder that God personally knows His people. Today, as Christ is busy preparing you for an eternal home, His body bears the physical scars of the sacrifice He made for you. He gave Himself over completely in bodily death, so you could know how much He cares. Once you begin to grasp that kind of love, your deepest fears of rejection and abandonment abate. You can release your insecure need to perform and rest confidently in God’s real love. The kind that would write your name in scar tissue upon the palm of His hand.