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Writer: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

1. Weight is Lost and Muscle is gained in the kitchen(Food), not the gym. Food is 80%, Exercise 10% & Others 10%.

2. Fat doesn't make you Fat. Carbohydrates(Sugar/Glucose/Fructose/Starches) make you Fat.

3. Saturated Fat eg Animal Fats(Butter,Ghee,Tallow,Lard) won't clog your arteries. Sugar will.

4. Salt is not the enemy, Sugar is. Sugar leads to Salt problems and not the other way around!

5. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, at least to the Sugar & Food Industry(Manufacturers), but not to you.

6. Sugar, Seed Oils & Refined Carbs are all the evil Cholesterol is blamed for. Cholesterol is part of your body and very important for life. Sugar is not essential.

7. Seed Oils - What manufacturers wrongly call ''Vegetable Oils'' are not fit for Human Consumption! These oils were initially meant to be engine lubricants until someone discovered that they could make more profit by feeding them to humans. Those corn/maize oils, canola, sunflower oils, and the so-called ''cholesterol free'', and ''heart healthy'' do you more harm than good.

8. Prioritize Food, Sleep, Exercise & Sun in that order.

9. The ultimate measure of fitness is the Waist Circumference to Height Ratio, not your Weight or BMI. But it's not easy to meet someone Obese, with a high BMI but with a healthy waist circumference. Target below 15% body fat for Males and 23% body fat for Females. Anything short of this is unhealthy.

10. Carbohydrates end up as Sugar (Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, etc) in the body. They taught you rightly that Carbs are not essential for life. I wonder why they then advised you to eat the nonessentials more than the essentials. Your guess is as good as mine: Carbs/Sugar makes many people sick. They make money by having more Sick people. THINK!

Fruits, Milk, Honey, Beans, Peas, Tubers, Some Vegetables, etc have Sugar.

Anything that has Sugar can be classified as a Carbohydrate.

After Carbohydrates are converted into Sugar/Glucose/Fructose, the extra is then stored as Fat in the body. Unless you want to grow Fat, you have no business eating beyond 50g of Net Carbohydrates per day. Yes, natural foods such as carrots, cabbage, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, cassava, green banana, yams, arrow roots, beans, peas, millet, etc, are high in fiber and they may be ideal for the healthy, more physically active, lean and fit humans. Fibre, just like Fats, doesn't make you Fat. Refining, such as milling & polishing (making flour from grains/seeds), destroys the fiber and makes healthier foods unhealthy. Unfortunately, only less than 1% of our population is physically active, lean, and fit. Most of the adults are in the 90% of our Population. If you make your bed, you must lie on it!

Remember: You can never out-exercise a bad diet.

  11. Fluoridated toothpaste won't protect you from dental caries & cavities, avoiding them, avoiding sugar.

12. Want to heal any part of your body? Start with healing your GUT!

13. WHEN you eat is as important as WHAT you eat and HOW what you eat is prepared.

14. Beef Liver is the No.1 Multivitamin. Eating 100g/a serving spoon, 3 times a week is enough. Beef Liver Soup is okay with most Children.

15. Eat until you're almost full. Don't eat until you're almost hungry. 80% Rule. Your stomach is like a balloon. Some of you can really eat! These are not the time for overeating. Share with the less fortunate. There is enough food for everyone if those who overeat and throw away food stop those evil behaviors!

16. ''Too much Protein'' is almost unachievable by most people unless you are supplementing. Eating 4 Eggs and a quarter a kilo of Meat per day won't lead to ''too much protein'', even when you add plant proteins. Remember, limit anything that can be digested into Sugar and not Fats and Proteins.

17. Eat Meats (Red/White), Eggs, Butter, Ghee, Tallow, Lard. Add Salt to taste.

Eat everything they told you is bad(Meat, Eggs, Salt), and don't eat anything they told us is good(Low Fat, Low Salt, Low Cholesterol). That Low Fat, Low Protein, Low Salt campaign succeeded. No wonder most of us are Obese and Sick! Most of our medics are victims of this evil campaign. We only need to look at how our great-grandparents lived and ate. They ate less, walked more, slept more.

18. Insulin Resistance(IR) is at the root of almost every disease. You are Insulin Resistant if you can't voluntarily go 24 hours without food. You shake, get irritated, lethargic, moody, have headaches, sleepless, and hate my content, if you miss to eat for a few hours. If you live to eat, then you are why we have food scarcity worldwide!

19. Fasting is a healing superpower. You can Fast daily (Intermittently). You can fast for up to 3-5 days, or more healthily. Fasting is learned. You just need to learn it, grow into it gradually and you will have defeated Satan and his/her agents!

20. No pill can ever replace Real Natural Food, Fasting, Sleep, Sunlight, or exercise.

21. The Modern Day Fruits, Processed Honey & Pasteurized Milk are poison in your body. They make you Fat & Sick. No wonder no one heals a cold by taking the honey we have around. No wonder we are short of Vitamin C even eating tonnes of Fruits. No wonder we suffer Calcium deficiencies even when drinking more milk than the Calf. You will be healthier without them.

Yes, occasionally eat raw honey, fruits from the wild that have seeds, are less sweet, are seasonal, and boiled raw high-fat milk, milk fats such as cream, butter, ghee, and fermented milk products(cheese, kefir, homemade plain unsweetened unflavoured yogurts) could be healthy.

22. You don't need cardio exercises or running a marathon(10 km and above) to lose weight.

Cardio is only effective when doing it, once you stop, the benefits of that cardio also stop. Weight Lifting/Resistance Training works for you when doing it and when resting. Walking is the most affordable, most sustainable, and very effective exercise. Most of the running you people leads to more than normal production of the cortisol hormone, a stress hormone, blocking further weight loss/plateau, leaving you with belly fat, loose sagging skin, and low muscle mass. You do not look good with thin arms, thin legs, and a protruding sagging tummy. Grow healthy muscle mass by prioritizing eating Fats, Fiber, and Proteins and then doing a combination of Resistance Training/Weight Lifting and Walking. You do not have to go to the gym to lift weights. Lift your body weight first then when that is successful, go to the gym. Practice doing at least 50 push-ups nonstop, holding a 1-2 minute plank for all the variations, 300 - 500 jump jacks, at least 1000 counts of nonstop rope jumps, etc, from your own home, then join a gym later for heavy weight lifting. Then quality sleep 7-8hr every day for recovery! You will be the breed that the future humans will be looking for.

23. The best way to boost Testosterone levels is to lose Fat. Women are also suffering because of Estrogen dominance. Lose Fat, heal your hormonal health, stop blaming genes, and become a superpower!

24. You can not choose your parents BUT you do not have to become who they became! If you do not like their health and poverty, you can change that! Stop the generation curses! Do not pass their poverty and diseases to your children. But if you live like they did, and eat like they did, you will become like they did or even worse. AND GOD WILL REMAIN GOD!


When it comes to nutrition, you need to unlearn more than you need to learn.

Try these recommendations out for 3-6 months. Bravo to all Doctors who believe that they do not have to give a drug to all health issues and that most illnesses are best-taken care of through a Healthy Way of Eating and LIFESTYLE change. Please come back with a Testimony!


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