One of the main questions I get is something along the lines, “I believe God is calling me to preach events, camps, conferences, etc. How do I get started?”
After years of responding to this question, here is what I say now:
1. Be faithful where you are. Serving & disciplining people is the goal. Stages & being seen by people are not. God has you where He wants you for a reason.
2. Trust God’s sovereignty & providence. If God wants you to do it, He will also open the doors for you to do it. If God is calling, He will also do the providing.
3. Trust the Church. If the Spirit wants the Church to hear your voice, the Spirit will lead the Church to invite you.
4. Count the cost. Typically, people only see the crowds, promos, decisions, & social media posts. They don’t see the sacrifice that you and your family are making.
5. Let people know you feel called to it. Make other leaders aware that God is calling you in this way. Let them know that you’re available to serve. However, don’t try to force or manipulate it to happen, and certainly don’t guilt or pressure people into inviting you.
6. Believe it’s all important. If you believe driving across the state to speak to 10 teenagers is beneath you, then all other opportunities are still above you. It’s all important because it all belongs to the Lord.
Often, I know when people are asking me how to do what I am doing now, they just see what I am doing now. They didn’t see the many years of being joyfully content speaking to groups of a dozen people. You say “YES” to Jesus. Then, trust that He’ll put you where He wants you.