If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. – John 14:23
You may remember Dorothy in Wizard of Oz repeating, “There’s no place like home,” while clicking the heels of her ruby red slippers three times. People from caring homes will agree, there is no place like home. It is a place where your family or housemates support you and help you through rough times and celebrate with you in good times. A caring home is a safe place.
And home is a base of operation for living. It is a place where you are always welcome to return.
This kind of home is a picture of what the Father wants with His people. He wants to make His home with them. Jesus said if you love Him and keep His word, Father God will love you and make His home in you. Then you have a relationship similar to that in a caring home, a place to feel safe, to be strengthened, and to share in celebrations. A home base you can return to as you live your life. It is a place where you feel loved and welcome.
Often believers fall into the negative orientation of performance instead of cultivating the family orientation. Someone who is performance-oriented worries about measuring up and never feels quite safe or accepted. Someone who is family-oriented knows that the family is in life together, flaws and all. Thank your Heavenly Father for inviting you into His family, and for His love, support, and strength.
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