We are entering the most exceptional high-watch dates in history! Embrace it! Don't let the fear of being wrong, being disappointed, or looking foolish to the world, keep you from letting Jesus find you like a giddy child — for such is the kingdom of heaven! Look up, He's coming!
Don't let anything or anyone take the joy of expecting Jesus right by your window looking up, with a heart filled with hope, joy, and excitement. Unless we have a 'Thus saith the Lord', the bottom line is that we don't know when He's coming for us.
All we know is that when we look at what's happening in the world, we see all the signs that Jesus talked about converging, and we know that we are in the season – therefore, it could happen any day. Guard your heart, and don't let the noise of teachers and watchers taint your special moment — they are just men, fallible and guided by their own understanding!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5
God designed the rapture and its imminency with a purpose – that purpose is a part of our sanctification and the strengthening of our faith. When we wait for Him, great things are happening within us. If you miss it because of fear, you will also miss the blessings and growth that come with waiting for Him. Yes, there might be some growing pains, but required for our personal growth in Him. If we don't embrace it, He will have to bring that growth in some another way — you're not skipping it!
The love for Him has to be greater than your fear of being wrong, being disappointed, or looking foolish before men, so enter this season with joy! He deserves to find a loving bride watching by the window, with a cheerful heart filled with hope, joy, and excitement for her groom!
Keep looking UP! Keep letting Him use you to save the last souls of His Church! This age of grace is coming to an end! Keep preaching the gospel!