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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Colossian 3:15

A dictator is a political leader possessing absolute power. The term originated in the Roman Republic where the position was created as a temporary grant to handle emergency situations.

Over time, history tells the tales of many rulers who would be called dictators. These individuals have brought about the most brutal crimes against humanity in their quest for power. God’s Kingdom is quite the opposite.

God does not grasp for power as ruler over the universe. He is sovereign by right of His place outside of time, the all-knowing, all-powerful, Creator. While He has the unquestionable right to govern, the way He rules stretches the imagination. His rule is peace.

Dictators force allegiance and oppress people. God does not. In His grace, He does not overthrow your human will. He allows each person to choose the master of their own soul. Many claim that position for themselves believing they can design their own destiny. However, human power is small, and no one has the ability to save himself. Without the Lord Jesus, humankind is defeated and condemned to suffer the wages of sin in death.

God’s Kingdom is built upon grace, and His Son rules in peace. All who enter His gates experience the overcoming resurrection strength which replaces the bondage of sin.

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