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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Knowing God, having a relationship with Him

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant. – Deuteronomy 7:9

How do you perceive God? Is He a far-off entity that more or less runs the universe? Is He someone to be afraid of? Can you truly know God? Across time, God has sought out people to know Him, to have a relationship with Him, to experience His goodness, to understand His unchangeable loyalty to you!

The verse reminds you that you actually can know the God who is above all; the God who is faithful to keep all the promises He has made. He is trustworthy, reliable, steadfast, dependable, dedicated, constant, ever-present, and unchanging. Don’t you really want to know a God like Him? The miracle is that you CAN.

Knowing God, having a relationship with Him, has the same requirements as any other relationship. To know Him, you need to spend time with Him. Read His Word, not just to get a glimpse into history or enjoy the poetry, but to see how He has worked throughout the ages. Pray. Take time to just adore Him. When you love a spouse, you do not just say so once a year on your anniversary… you say it every day, and you live out your love in the things you do. Let your love for God influence others around you to want to know Him the way you do!

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