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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Just read the Word.

I really love being around new Christians. Their enthusiasm and joy are unsurpassed. Knowing that God came to live for us, to sacrifice His life for us and that our sin is forgiven is really Good News! For those of us who have been Christians for a long time, being with them is a great place to be. It helps us to keep things in the proper perspective. I don't ever want to be like the Jews from our passage today, more caught up in the trappings of Christianity and the lifestyle than the new creation I've become and continue to become in Christ Jesus. What about you? Have you lost a little of your old vigor for the Lord? What has changed? Is it time to do a little spring cleaning on some old thoughts and ideas? How much time are you spending in the Word? When I was a new Christian I read the Bible every chance I had. Whenever I feel my enthusiasm waning a bit, I always go back to the Word. It always reignites my fire for the Lord. Are you in need of a little renewal, inspiration, or motivation? It's simple --


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