I go to prepare a place for you. – John 14:2
In their God is Here album, the Prestonwood Choir includes the song, “Thou, Oh Lord.” Consider the lyrics, based on Psalm 3, that say, “Many are they increased that troubled me.” Are you troubled? Have the events of the last year distressed you? The lyrics continue, “Many are they that rise up against me.” Do you sometimes feel you have stood alone—in your convictions on social issues, politics, a pandemic? Have you been vilified for the strength of your positions? The song goes on. “Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God.” Does that sound like today’s cancel culture? Yet, the lyrics conclude as the psalmist did—“But Thou, oh Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the lifter of my head.”
The verse from John 14 follows Jesus’ statement, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” He gives His disciples, and you, reassurance of His ultimate victory and your ultimate heavenly abode. To assure that the preparations being made by Jesus are claimed by you, it is necessary to believe in the finished work of Christ at Calvary. Another song, often well presented by Don Francisco, recalls the lament of Jesus’ disciple Peter after the crucifixion. Titled, “He’s Alive,” its words include, “Jesus stood before me with His arms held open wide. And I fell down on my knees, and I just clung to Him and cried. Then He raised me to my feet, and as I looked into His eyes, the love was shining out from Him Like sunlight from the skies.”
The Savior waits for you. He is not willing that anyone should miss out. Have you found forgiveness and salvation in Jesus? Do not wait, as time may well be short. Pray for a revival across America. Pray that officials at the highest levels of U.S. government would seek the Lord and that citizens across the nation would turn to Him as well.