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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

I am God!

I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. – Isaiah 46:9

In the earlier verses of the 46th chapter of Isaiah, before today’s verse, God gives an almost comical description of idols. Idols have to be carried, while God carries His people. Idols are made by hands. People are made by God’s hands. Idols just sit there. They cannot hear or answer the cries of the people who worship them. God hears and answers. God is able to save people from all their troubles. Sometimes people today trust in or worship people or things that are just as ineffective as wooden idols. Prior to His declaration in today’s verse, God says to His people “Remember this!”

It’s important to remember who God is and what He has done in the past. Christmas is celebrated to remember Christ’s birth. In a few months, Easter will be celebrated to remember His death and resurrection. It’s important to remember these milestones, as well as Jesus’ teachings and His promise to return. It’s also important to remember those times God has made Himself known to you in daily life.

As you think about the past year with its setbacks and about goals for the upcoming year, stop and remember all the times in your life the Lord has answered your prayers and stepped in to help you. Remember who He is. There is none like Him. No god or man is dependable like the Lord is. Enter this year with determination to turn to Him and live by faith.

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