It's not unusual for someone to buy a baby book when they first
learn they will have a child. In it, they often begin to record their
thoughts and feelings during their time of pregnancy, writing their
hopes and dreams for their unborn child. But no one, even the most
proud parent, would ever write for their child what the angel said of
Jesus before He was born. The dramatic statement simply began,
"He will be great." (Luke 1:32)
"He will be great."
Said, no one has influenced history more
than Jesus Christ.
Years ago, Fred Bock expressed this powerfully
in a piece titled "One Solitary Life":
Born in an obscure village, He was the child of a peasant woman.
He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty years old, and
then for three years, He traveled around the county, stopping long
enough to talk and to listen to people, and help where He could.
He never wrote a book, He never had a hit record, He never went to
college, He never ran for public office, He never had a family or
owned a house. He never did any of the things that usually
accompany greatness. He had no credentials but Himself.
But when He was only thirty-three years old, the tide of public opinion
turned against Him, and His friends rejected Him. When He was
arrested, very few wanted anything to do with Him. After the trial,
The State executed him along with admitted thieves. Only
because a generous friend offered his cemetery plot was there
any place to bury Him.
This all happened nineteen centuries ago, yet today He is the leading figure of the human race and the ultimate example of love. Now it is no exaggeration to say that all the armies that have ever marched, all the navies that have ever set sail, all the rulers that have ever ruled, all the kings that have ever reigned on this earth, all put together have not affected the life
of man on earth like One Solitary Life.
The question remains: has Jesus affected your life? The angel said,
"He will be great" - has the greatness of Jesus touched your life?