Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things. –
Luke 16:25
The sober message Jesus relates in Chapter 16 of Luke echoes the parable of the sheep and goats (Matthew 25:31-46). Both those who do good work and those who do not will receive their respective reward. Luke 16 tells the story of a rich man who died and went to Hades, a place of torment, while a poor man died and went to Abraham’s side, a place of comfort. While the parable does not mention the good deeds that Lazarus had done, it describes that he had a miserable life – poor and sick – while the rich man had his comforts, ignoring Lazarus’ condition.
In the story, Abraham tells the rich man, “Remember that you in your lifetime received your good things“ (v. 25). Americans, in general, are better off than the rest of the world, even better off than kings of old. There is abundant food, modern plumbing, and available goods and services, to name a few examples. Salvation is in Christ alone. Jesus says to lay up your treasures in Heaven, emphasizing the importance of sharing with those in need. The apostle Paul says that the fire of God will burn up a believer’s useless works that are as “wood, hay, and straw,” but the soul will be saved (1 Corinthians 3:11-15).
You may currently be having financial struggles, as many do during this time, but remember and be thankful for the good things the Lord has given you. Ask God to lead you in sharing with those in need.