For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. – Isaiah 55:9
Have you ever taken a hot-air balloon ride? Above the trees and hills, you get a different view of farmlands, animals in a field, or children playing outdoor games.
What is your view from an airplane as you crisscross the country?
The things below are less discernable.
Agricultural fields become a patchwork, and you might see from one end of a large lake to the other. You have seen the views from the International Space Station. Oceans and mountains, deserts and continents of ice, just flatten into one vista.
Then recall the view of Earth the astronauts had when they orbited the moon. One described what he saw as a big blue marble.
What comes to your mind when you think about the sovereignty of God?
One thought might be to realize that God has a big-picture view of everything. At the same time, He also sees the microbes that dwell in your bloodstream and keeps count of the hairs on your head. And He is moving through the macro and micro universe to accomplish His purposes.
What are His purposes?
C.S. Lewis put it this way: “This is God’s ultimate purpose — to recreate this fallen world and to bring about a new heaven and new earth. He is redeeming a people for Himself, with whom He will dwell and with whom He will share His glory.”
What is there for you to do?
To fall at His feet and worship Him, to be a vessel He can use, and to align your perspective and your purposes with His.
Give thanks that you can know such an awesome God.