He is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9

Have you ever watched a small child wait impatiently for something he really wanted? It is almost comical how the child can have such difficulty waiting for even a short amount of time, with a few minutes feeling like hours or days. In the same way that an adult sees a few minutes differently than an impatient child, God’s perspective of time is vastly different than yours.
Peter spoke on this idea in his second letter to followers of Christ in western Asia Minor. He explained to the believers that, “with the Lord, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day” (2 Peter 3:8). He was not necessarily referring to a literal thousand years but was explaining that God has the ability to see time with a perspective and intensity that mankind cannot. His timing is perfect, even when it does not feel that way to you.
God is a patient God, and this includes where timing is concerned. The Lord wants to see all people repent and come to Him, and as such, is waiting as long as He can before returning to Earth. What a glorious God! He is not out to get anyone. He is full of love and compassion for the world He created.
This is the God you serve. Take time to stop and praise Him for this fact. Ask Him to strengthen your faith, that you may trust His timing in all things, especially when it is difficult to understand. Pray that, with this time He has graciously given, more and more people would come to put their faith in Jesus Christ.