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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

"Foundation" Also Means Induration

"Foundation" also means induration. That’s all under “foundation,” Becoming rock, Solid.

Induration means the hardening of rock by heat or pressure.

Every time you go through a trial, pressure, Or circumstances, God is using that to develop your faith, Into the rock, Jesus Christ.

It’s the pressure and the heat, of that circumstance that actually, Makes you solid. So, every time a Christian says “I don’t want to go through that. I don’t want any trouble.”

They’re basically saying I want weak faith.

How do I get greater muscles? By exercising the muscle, Breaking it down, and expanding it.

How do you get greater faith? By your faith being on trial every day, it gets bigger, more solid, Firm, Lithify.

So, its hardened rock by heat and pressure.

To become hard and hardened, to make enduring. To become established and confirmed. Calloused, Unfeeling, Stubborn…

Now here we go…

This is still all under the foundation.

It means “inured” which means to put into practice, To make oneself accustomed to, Pain, trouble, difficulty, hardship, or, Something usually undesirable.

You make yourself accustomed To those situations, So, when it comes It doesn’t shake you. It’s firm.

That’s how you make someone a solid Christian. That’s how the military gets those guys ready, To put them out into combat, real situations, And send them through difficulty, Through the swamps, gunfire, alligators, and bombs going off. That gets these guys calloused, To being weak.

It builds a foundation, For the time to come. Foundation… Is making you accustomed, to frequency, regularity, To pain trouble difficulty hardship, And something you really don’t want to see come.

It toughens you, It works within you, To make you habitual. It creates a habit, Of endurance.

Every time it comes, It’s almost like it was nothing.

Matthew 7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

Who is our rock? Is it not Jesus Christ?

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