ENCOURAGEMENT FOR PASTORS (BY SPURGEON) Rest upon the covenant which is made in grace
Phillip Raimo
Jan 11, 20241 min read
You are of no use in the ministry, my dear brother, if you are not quite willing to be called a fool, to be called a thief, or even to be called a devil! You will never be successful if you are afraid of being pelted.
The true minister often finds his pulpit to be a place but little preferable to a pillory, and he is content to stand there, feeling that all the abuse and blasphemy that may come upon him are only how the world recognizes and proves its recognition of a God-sent man.
Oh, to rest upon the covenant which is made in grace, and to hold fast the covenant which Christ has compelled us to make with him, resolved that even should he take all away, our joy, our comfort, and our ease, we will still stand to it, and still keep the covenant.