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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


The Lord loves his church and he loves to see her full of courage and confidence; but, sometimes, her ministers appear to labor in vain, and to spend their strength for nothing. The services in connection with the various ministries of the church appear to be like plowing upon a rock. The bread is cast upon the waters, according to the Lord’s command; but it is not found again even after many days have passed away. At such times, the church begins to tremble; she is full of fear. She cannot give up her mission, which is, the enlightenment of the world; but she is very apt to continue in it with a faint and feeble heart; and, consequently, to do what she is doing as a matter of mere routine, with very little zeal, or love, or hope, or joy.

Now, beloved, the Lord would not have it so. He intends that his cause and kingdom shall prosper in the world. It is written concerning the Messiah, “He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he has set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law;” and he would not have his people to be discouraged.

Cheer up, workers for Christ. Be encouraged. those who are seeking to serve the Lord. Have full assurance that the Lord has a people whom he means to save, they will be saved, and are being saved now, and that it becomes us to see to it that we help, each one of us according to his or her own measure, in this glorious work.

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