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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Making your ear attentive to wisdom, and inclining your heart to understanding. – Proverbs 2:2

A number of years ago, a mobile phone company’s ad asked the question, “Can you hear me now?” These words were later turned into lyrics of a song and still later, a game. The song begins, “I think I’m losing my reception,” and “I must’ve gone the wrong direction.” The pop lyrics are far from being a hymn, but a sermon of sorts is found within them. Further on, the lyrics of this song say, “All I need is your protection.”

God’s Word, and often in the Book of Proverbs, tells you that it is important to be attentive and listen in living a life of faith. When you understand, you have comprehended what is said, grasped the central concept, and developed a keen awareness. Wisdom is utilizing that knowledge to make good judgments, and applying what you have learned. An obedient child heeds what his parents say. A Christ follower is attentive to the Word of God, applying it rightly.

Have you floundered after making a wrong turn in your spiritual life? When it comes to understanding what God seeks from you, do you still have strong “reception“ to hear Him? The Lord has the ability to turn you the right way regardless of the wrong direction you have been going. The exercises of gratitude, prayer, and being attuned to His Word help you stay on the path He has established for you.

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