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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

​Don't Take Your Child's Sin Lightly

“In the same way, it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones perish.” (Matthew 18:14)

Mothers, you have children committed to your care. You are longing for the conversion of these little ones. Now, I want you to get a full estimate of the character of each child. Mark the different constitutions, the special weaknesses, and defects of that boy, and the blemishes and sins of that girl; and ever keep this before your minds, that your children, like the children of others, need the regenerating of the Holy Spirit, and the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Do not take a light view of sin in your children any more than sin in others’ children.

The hate of God against sin is as real and intense in their case as in others, until they are born again. When you sit down to breakfast with them, think, “Ah! My dear child, I shall not meet you in eternity, unless you be brought to the cross!” Look the girl in the face, as you see her growing up to womanhood, and say to yourself, “Ah! My Lord, in mercy, bring her to sit at your feet as Mary did and learn of you, or else she shall be no joy to me, for I must be parted from her in the world to come.”

Take, I say, a full survey of each child’s condition, and of his future ruin, and you will be most likely to be a blessing to the child if, with your whole heart, you are thus earnest and careful.

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