We have all heard of "David and Goliath," but have you ever heard of "David and the Ten Cheeses?"
You are thinking, "What? What ten cheeses?"
In 1 Samuel 17:17-22, Jesse asks David to carry ten cheeses and some other items to the Israelites in their camp against the Philistines. Jesse asks David to do this after Samuel has already anointed David king over Israel. A seemingly humiliating, meaningless task for the future, the greatest king of Israel.
Using this passage as a springboard, we can closely examine the Christian walk as one requiring humility in the innermost. God may have endowed us with great spiritual gifts, and He may have chosen to use us mightily for His kingdom, but are we truly humble? Are we faithful with the very little things, the things that no one may ever see? Would we do all that we do for the kingdom of God if it came with no recognition?
One of the men I admire was Romain who has gone home to be with the Lord but Pastor Romain was Pastor Chuck's assistant for 30 years and in his book Second he talks about the call and the humility that one needs to serve the Lord. I remember he would encourage us to pick up cigarette butts as a form of ministry then he would top it off by saying Pastor Chuck does it on Monday mornings.
It's for the person desiring to learn what it means to truly serve.
Lessons are drawn from practical life experience and based upon the Word of God.
This is truly a story of what it takes to be an assistant to others, not first, but SECOND.
Has God called you to help another, to hold up their arms as did Aaron and Hur for Moses? This call can be in any realm of service, not just as an assistant pastor. It is the role of the servant.
The late Pastor Romaine gives straightforward instructions on what God requires of believers in service. The reader will be challenged as the Scripture is unfolded, and the truths are laid out.
