The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. – Romans 16:20
Authority – God has it all! And in that complete authority over all things both in Heaven and on Earth, God gives you His power to overcome any temptation or anxiety the world throws at you.
You play a part in the outcome, but that part includes choosing to accept His rule and abide by His grace. Resting in the palm of His hand, you will discover a defeated enemy and an oasis of peace.
With God’s complete dominion over all things, how can Satan ever retain power over one of God’s children? The enemy leverages human nature to entice you into the realm of sin. Once there he burdens you with a load of guilt and misery. While he cannot have the soul of God’s people, he settles for making you ineffective and miserable. But you do not have to cooperate!
Only God’s light reveals the truth and will give you the right perspective on living. As you realize the enemy is defeated through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, you can trust you are forgiven from past sins and free to walk away from current temptations. God’s oasis of peace comes into view as you choose to see God alone as good, rather than the distracting things of this world.
Pray for believers across the nation to live in victory over sin and find God’s peace.