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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

By What Authority

In Luke 20 some leaders asked Jesus a question, “By what authority are you doing these things?” Because Jesus knew the questioners were trying to trap him, he dodged their question. Yet, this question remains a probing one for us. How might you respond if someone were to ask, “By what authority are you living?”

“Tell us, by what authority are you doing these things?” (Luke 20:2).

Jesus could have answered this question in a straightforward way, saying something like “God” or “my Father in heaven.” But he discerned that his questioners weren’t really interested in his answer. They were trying to trap him. So he responded back to them with a question about the authority behind the ministry of John the Baptist. Jesus knew that he was putting the leaders in a bind. No matter how they answered his question, they would be in trouble with the people, since the people acknowledged John’s divine authority but the leaders did not. When they refused to answer Jesus, he returned the favor, refusing to tell them the source of his authority.

Meditating upon this passage, I’m curious about how we might answer the question once posed to Jesus. If somebody were to ask you, “By what authority are you living?” how might you respond?

We all live under a variety of authorities, of course. For example, I exist under the authority of my city (Hesperia), state (California), and country (United States). I function pastorally under the authority of Love In Action Church (U.S.A.).

So, you could say that I do my job under the authority of the Love In Action Ministry. That’s true and I’m grateful for what Pastor Shelly has entrusted to me. But, in truth, I serve another authority, one that ranks higher even than him. The ultimate authority for my life is the triune God, the God who is made know through the Scriptures, the God who became incarnate in Jesus, the God who guides and empowers through the Holy Spirit. My heart’s desire is to do everything in life in a way that honors my primary authority, even as I seek also to be faithful to what Love In Action expects of me.

Now, you might be tempted to think, “Of course you work for God, Phil because you serve in a Christian ministry. But what about me? I work in a business or a studio or a school. I work for a CEO or a principal or my shareholders. I have a boss who is clear about their authority over me. How can I do my work under God’s authority?” I admit that there isn’t a simple answer to this question. Scripture tells us to submit to earthly authorities as they implement God’s righteousness (see Romans 13:1-7). Yet sometimes the different authorities in our lives demand divergent or apparently contradictory actions. As we acknowledge the complexity of having various authorities over us, I believe every one of us needs the clarity of knowing that God alone is our ultimate authority. God alone is King of kings and Lord of lords. God alone is to be obeyed no matter what.

This means that you can do your “ordinary” work, not just for your boss, but also for God. Suppose you’re selling shoes. You can think of your work in different ways. You can sell because that’s what your boss requires. You can sell because that’s what brings home a paycheck. And you can also sell as a way of serving people, caring for their needs. You can choose to treat your customers and colleagues with respect and kindness because that’s what your heavenly Boss expects of you. You can commit yourself to be a person of integrity at work because in so doing you are honoring God, offering your work as an act of worship.

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