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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Be Faithful In Your Walk With Him

Great is your faithfulness. – Lamentations 3:23

What does it mean to be faithful? Does it apply merely to one spouse being devoted to the other, or a friend staying by someone’s side when they are going through trouble, or is there more? The prophet Jeremiah had warned Israel of the coming judgment of God if they didn’t remain faithful to Him and repent. Time after time he pleaded with the people to acknowledge their sinfulness and return to the Lord (Jeremiah 3:12-13)… but they did not.

The outcome of their rejection of the Lord’s message through the prophet was not a light judgment. God’s chosen people experienced destruction and plunder at the hands of foreigners. One commentator said that “every sign [precious and sacred thing] that had once provided assurance and confidence in God was gone.” The people felt almost inexpressible grief. However, in the midst of this grief came confession of sin, and then significantly, an expression of hope. Israel could draw on the promises of God… a God who was faithful – steadfast, merciful, gracious, a certainty in times of change, firm as a rock that is never shaken.

God’s promises to Abraham of a great nation, to Moses of a Promised Land, and to David of One who would come in his line to reign forever had or would all come true. As a pastor recently reminded his congregation, sometimes you look for explanations when you should be looking at the promises. Let the passage in Lamentations remind you that the Lord’s love never ceases and His mercies never end. He is faithful and He is your portion forever. Be faithful in your walk with Him.

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