I read a story recently about a man who awoke in the middle of the night to smoke so thick in his home he could hardly breathe. It was the night following the Christmas program at his church -- his parents had attended so they spent the night -- and a fire had erupted as a result of candles that were accidentally left burning.
As he made his way, stumbling and coughing down the hall to his three children's room, He prayed "Lord, if it is your will, let us survive the night." Just before he was overcome by the smoke and heat, a man grabbed his arm -- who he thought was his father -- and guided him to each of the three children's rooms.
All escaped with their lives including his parents. As the story was recounted to the firefighters (who were amazed that anyone had survived considering the intensity of the blaze), his father denied helping him save the children. His parents explained they had been staying in the guest room on the first floor and had been unable to make it up the stairs due to the flames.
The firefighters thought it must have been an "unsung hero," perhaps a neighbor, who upon seeing the smoke had entered the house. The man was convinced it was an angel.
What do you think? Do you think God sees your need (the fire); hears your groaning (save my family); then comes down to set you free (grabs you by the arm and guides you to safety)?
The answers to those questions will tell you a lot about what you believe in God.
How "real" is God to you? Do you think God cares about you and your life in a tangible way?